For people who love the thrill of skiing and snowboarding, the winter months are something that they look forward to each and every year. While skiing and snowboarding is extremely fun, and a great way to spend time during the winter, these snow sports are not for everyone. Luckily, there are a variety of other fun and exciting snow sports that you can partake in during the winter with your family to make the most of the beautiful scenery. So, bundle yourself and your family up, and check out these fun snow sports that you can participate in this winter – that will not break the bank, either!

Ice skating.
First up: ice skating. When most people think of ice skating, they automatically assume ice hockey or figure skating. What many people do not realize is that ice skating does not just need to take place at an overcrowded indoor rink during free skate, it can be done on a beautiful outdoor rink or even on a pond if you have one nearby! Ice skating does have a learning curve, so if you have any young ones in your family, this is important to keep in mind. However, learning to skate is a super fun experience and after a few (or many) falls, they will be sure to get the hang of it! If you are finding that your kids enjoy ice skating, you can even build your own makeshift rink in your backyard, if space allows!
Snowshoeing is often forgotten about but is super fun and easy for kids to get the hang of, as there is little to no instruction required. Snowshoeing can be done one trails that are flat for the most part, on an open terrain that can be as short as just a mile or two depending on what everyone is up for. Ahead of going snowshoeing, have your kids put on their snowshoes and walk around in a snow-covered field near your home so that they are familiar and comfortable with the snowshoes. Once comfortable, you are ready to hit the trails!
Sledding and tubing.
No matter how old you are, sledding and tubing is an extremely fun activity in the winter that will never get old! Going sledding and tubing can be as easy or difficult as you want it to be – whether you are sledding down a small hill near your home or heading to a tubing hill that has a lift. The length of the runs will totally depend on how old your kids are and how comfortable they are with height and speed. If you are sledding or tubing in a neighborhood, this is also a great opportunity to get some neighbors involved and make some new friends!
Cross-country skiing.
Cross-country skiing differs from the classic, downhill skiing in that when you are cross-country skiing, you are moving around on flat ground, rather than going down a mountain. In addition, cross-country skis are attached to the front of your foot, versus regular skiing where your foot is completely attached to the ski. Therefore, in cross-country skiing, you are able to move more freely. This is a great option for kids who are not interested in downhill skiing but still want to get out and be active.
Hikes and walks.
Hikes and walks are great ways to get outdoors and take in the scenery during the winter months. There are a lot of great options in New England for hiking during the winter, with all different difficulty levels depending on how experienced you are and how long you are comfortable hiking for. If hiking during the winter feels too advanced for you and your family due to the ice, check out some nearby paths and reservations that you can go for family walks on!