With fall officially in full swing, we are just one step closer to the time that many New Englanders wait all year for: snow sports season! When it comes to snow sports, there is something for everyone, whether that is tubing, snow shoeing, skiing or snowboarding. Some of the most popular snow sports, skiing and snowboarding, can be a little tricky to get the hang of, but are great hobbies – and workouts! If you are not experienced, it is not too late. We have pulled together some of the main facts to know about each of the snow sports, and which one is easier to start out with if you are a beginner.
In terms of equipment, skiing uses a pair of skiis that are attached to specific boots, while snowboarding has one single snowboard that is attached to the feet via specific boots. You can purchase the boots separately or rent them, if easier. For apparel, it is best to dress as warmly as possible – you should wear long underwear, light fleece, ski or snowboard socks, jacket and pants, along with gloves, a helmet and goggles.
For beginners, many people find skiing to be easier to grasp at the start, given that you can move each leg individually since they are not bound together. While starting out to ski, you are training your legs to move separately, whereas with snowboarding, you must focus on teaching your entire body to navigate since both of your legs are bound to one snowboard.
The same types of injuries can apply to both skiing and snowboarding, especially to one’s knees or wrists, which are very common. It is best that when starting out, you start on smaller slopes, and potentially hire an instructor if possible. By hiring an instructor, you will learn all the key tips and tricks that you need to eventually make it to the bigger mountains!