We are finally into snow-sports season, and with that comes the opportunity to practice the sport that you have always loved, or maybe even try out a new one. Whether you are skiing, snowboarding, tubing or snowshoeing, every snow sport requires the right type of apparel to not only succeed but be as comfortable as you can be while doing it. As the temperatures continue to drop, it is vital to make sure that you are purchasing quality items that will keep you warm and last you through the season. Here are a few of our favorite retailers to purchase snow-sports fashion from:
For the men, Till I Die apparel.
Till I Die opened up in 2010 when they founded their first company, “Ski Till I Die.” Their goal is to target communities who are inclusive and passionate about the popular outdoor activities that they love. They are known for their outstanding tagline, “Do what you love, and do it forever.” If you’re looking for something to keep your head warm out on the slopes, check out their Mesh Tweet Locals Only Cap, which has a great burlap front and mesh snapback style.
For the ladies, Lindo F.
Lindo F launched in 2012, inspired by the chilly Canadian climate. They offer fur accessories that are fashion forward, timeless and extremely functional and versatile. Not only are these hats extremely warm, but you can customize your very own hat by choosing your preferred texture, color and pom type. Lindo F has a hat for everyone, no matter how old you are or what style you’re into.
For the kids, Shred Dog.
Shred Dog was started by a father who has always enjoyed outdoor activities with his son. The brand, Shred Dog, reflects his passion of spending time with family while also wanting to make sure that his son is dressed appropriately and comfortably for a decent price. At Shred Dog, you can purchase neck gaiters, bib pants, insulator coats, quarter-zip tops and so much more at a great price point for quality items.